
Noosa Shire Surf Code
Kite surfing code
Respect the safety of Boat Drivers
Boats have legal right of way crossing the Noosa bar. Danger of capsizing or going aground means boat drivers must always have a clear uncompromised passage!
Kitesurfers must:
Be on the alert for approaching craft at all times, LISTEN AND LOOK
Sail away from any approaching craft or halt kitesurfing until any craft are well past
Never continue in a way that may alarm other craft
Give way to all vessels downwind (they cannot see you)
Suitable conditions
NNE wind from 15-25 Knots with an outgoing tide are the suitable conditions for kitesurfing at the Noosa River Mouth. In other conditions please consider other kitesurf locations.
NO kitesurfing on Main Beach
Noosa Main Beach is a gazetted Bathing Reserve. Councils Local Law No.4 Bathing Reserves identifies kitesurfing equipment as prohibited equipment within a Bathing Reserve. Kitesurfing is therefore excluded from anywhere on Noosa Main Beach.
Check the conditions carefully before launching.
Launch and land only when the kite pilot is standing in or next to the water.
Keep the drop zone and extra buffer area clear of any people and obstacles.
Seek assistance from other kitesurfers to launch, land and judge the weather.
Never use a kite to leap on land or when you are positioned away from the water.
Tide currents can be strong!
Extra caution is advised for any water activities including swimming and
Kitesurfing in the tidal currents of Noosa Rivermouth.
Safe Kiting
Monitor wind, tide and surf as they may increase.
Maintain a 30m minimum distance from people, obstacles and rock wall at all times.
Look before you manoeuvre, be aware of and consider your surrounds and skill limits.
Avoid freestyle manoeuvres and speeding in shallow water or within 50m of the shore.
Use a strong kite leash and functional safety release system, check both before and after use.
Avoid shore birds by a distance greater than 90m (3x kite lines length).
Keep your kite and board course steady when other kitesurfers are close or approaching.
Keep the carpark and grassed verge clear of kites and lines, never leave equipment unsupervised.
Represent you sport and respect other beach goers, clean up any litter & offer assistance to other kitesurfers.
Thankyou for your assistance to keep kitesurfing friendly and safe at Noosa. Please ask local kiters or kiteschools for advice.