Noosa Shire Surf Code
Noosa Council Bathing Reserve
(see map P8 of Noosa local law)
Prohibited in Bathing Reserve’s (applies to Noosa West, Noosa Main Beach, First Point and Little Cove.
All vessels, motorized or wind powered
Personal Water Craft (Jetski)
Kite surfing equipment
Wind surfing equipment
Spearfishing equipment

Outside of the Bathing Reserves
(All Marine Safety Queensland regulations apply) Note 6 knots is about 11km per hour, fast walking pace.
Power boats
Operated at 6 knots within 30m of people in the water. This includes swimmers, surfers and snorkellers.
Personal Water Craft (Jetski)
Operated at 6 knots within 60m of people in the water
All persons on the craft are required to wear personal floatation devices (life jackets)
Personal Water Craft (Jetski) used for tow in surfing
If abiding by the surfing tow in code of conduct for personal water craft
Operated at 6 knots within 200m of:
All persons in the water other than the skier (the person who is being towed)
All paddle surfers in the water
All other ships or watercraft in the water